Need Cirrus Training? Sandi is a CSIP instructor rated for:
Cirrus Perspective
Cirrus SR22
Cirrus SR20
Sandi works with pilots around the country helping them meet their individual training goals.
Cirrus SR22/20 Training For Initial-Recurrent-Transition:
The Cirrus transition training course is designed to familiarize pilots with the technologically advanced instrument environment of the Cirrus SR20 and SR22 aircraft.
The Cirrus SR20 and SR22 transition course is a combination of ground school and flight lessons, which provide an introduction to both the Cirrus aircraft, and the advanced avionics it offers.
The training will include realistic scenario based training such as system failures and en-route aeronautical decision making.
The completion certificate, issued upon completion of the training, meets the training requirement for most insurance companies that provide coverage
for Cirrus aircraft. You may want to contact your insurance agent for more information regarding the experience and training requirements for your
insurance carrier.

Recurrent Training:
As a supplement to the training provided in the transition course, Romeo Aviation Inc offers Cirrus recurrent training using realistic
scenario based training to challenge Cirrus SR20 and SR22 pilots and help them maintain their proficiency.
The training should allow each pilot to better understand the systems, capabilities and limitations of their aircraft. The experience gained should better prepare a pilot for various system failures and emergency situations.
All Flight Training is Cirrus Standardized CSIP through Romeo Aviation.
Sandi has several years of Cirrus Factory experience as both a Flight Instructor
and a Corporate Pilot.
Sandi is also Experienced in the New Cirrus Turbo Aircraft

Cirrus Full day CSIP Instructor Rate: $425
Cirrus CSIP Flight Instructor Rates: $75/hour
Cirrus Ground Instruction: $75/hour

From MNFlyer June 2014
POA (Power of Attorney): If you would be interested in having Sandi assist you in your acceptance of your aircraft and have it delieverd to you for training at your home base you may also request this option.
PFT (Production Flight Test): Sandi also has direct access to PFT (Production Flight Test) experiences to enhance the Cirrus training environment and increase the safety in your knowledge and skills as a Cirrus Pilot
Companion Flight Home: After your transition training in KDLH let Sandi
accompany you back home for your first trip away from the Cirrus Factory
Cirrus Fly Buddy Course Also Available
Romeo Aviation, Inc has been a Leader in the Cirrus Aircraft Programs for both the North Western Wisconsin and Surrounding Airports Since 2003.
Thank you to all the Cirrus Pilots and Many Friends…

Airshares SR22 Fractional Ownership–2005-Sandi Randall

Cirrus Migration 2007- Duluth, MN -Cirrus Personal Jet
If you are interested please contact Sandi at: sandi@romeoaviation.com
Stanger and Holt Win 2012 ARC…

CLASSIC RACERS TRACY LOVNESS AND SANDI RANDALL #41 Team–Placing 17th out of 57 Racers June 2012!